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It’s What We Do!

What makes a great trip?  A well-planned one….
  • Advance Planning & Advertising
  • Permission Slips
  • Medical Forms up to date
  • Trained Leaders
  • Transportation
  • Prepared Scouts (Meal Plans, Duty Roster, Activities, Shopping List)
Boy Scouting is primarily an outdoor program and Troop 418 schedules campouts every month during the school year, summer camp each summer, and a high adventure camp every other summer for older scouts. Additionally, troop campouts for the older scouts may also be scheduled.  Each year in August, the PLC with the assistance of the Outdoor Activities Chair and adult leaders, plan the troop campouts/events for the whole year. It is extremely important that the scouts attend these campouts as the basic camping skills and advancement requirements, such as cooking, compass skills, fire building, nature, camp set-up, first aid, hiking, and knot tying, are all done at the campouts. Special activities such as canoeing, wilderness survival, cold weather camping, etc. are also planned.
The PLC plans and organizes the campout activities with assistance from the Outdoor Activities Chair and adult leaders. Sufficient adult supervision and transportation are needed for every campout. The campouts are announced at least two meetings prior via email with sign-up genius,  Each patrol leader is responsible for meal planning for his patrol.

BSA Activity Consent Form

Medical Form

Health Safety Forms
  • If you are attending a weekend campout less than 72 hours in duration, you need to have Parts A&B completed
  • If you are attending an event longer than 72 hours you will need to have Parts A, B, & C
  • If you are attending a High Adventure Trip, a separate form needs completed. Click here for more details. 


Scout Planning Tools
Adult Leader in Charge
Additional Planning Resources
  • Outdoor Program – Chapter 9 – Troop Leader Guidebook
  •  Program Features for Troops, Teams, and Crews (ask Outdoor Activities Chair)
  • BSA Handbook – see rank advancement requirements
  • BSA Fieldbook – manual for advanced skills
  • Merit Badge Series Booklets (Camping, Backpacking, Hiking, Cooking, etc.)*Design an activity to incorporate requirements for rank advancement and merit badges.
  • Philmont Trek Preparation & Shakedown Guide *An excellent training guide for Philmont Scout Ranch & other backcountry treks.  Includes how to videos and Shakedown Guide.  The Shakedown Guide is a must for learning basic backcountry skills.
Trip Ideas

Helpful Links to purchase Camping Gear

  • Camping Gear Ratings (Outdoor Gear Lab has helpful How to Videos/Articles)
  • Gander Mountain offers 10% discount to scouts
  • REI offers a $20 co-op membership which provides you 10% back on all full price items which you receive as an annual dividend. REI has helpful How to Videos/Articles
  • Outdoor Source is a great local resource. Outdoor Source has helpful Videos and Articles
  •  Outdoor Cooking Tips 
  • Scouting specific gear
  •  Philmont Tooth of Time Traders – Gear Recommendations by Philmont Staff and Philmont Philmont What to Bring List – For Backpacking Treks
    *Helpful Hint:  This site also links to gear products recommended by Philmont’s Tooth of Time Traders Store.  Click on the gear item on the list to link to Tooth of Time Traders for recommended products.

What does the Troop Provide at Campouts

  • Tents
  • Ground Cloth for tent
  • Lanterns
  • Cooking Equipment
  • Canopy
  • Shovel, Ax, etc.
Each scout needs to work with their patrol to make sure they pack for what is needed and the weather.
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