Scoutmaster Michael Kushner assumed the role of Scoutmaster in 2020.
Michael was a member of the BSA when he was younger and re-engaged in 2017 when his son, Ethan, joined Cub Scouts with Pack 418 in Hilliard, Ohio
Michael has completed Green Bar 2020, Seabadge SB-59-IL-2020 andWoodbadge C4-441-21-1 in the Spring of 2021 and completed his ticket for Woodbadge in November of 2021. He has earned both his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree of Scouting at Chief Logan University with Emphasis in Adult Leadership. These are all advanced adult leadership training courses. He has also been a merit badge counselor since 2019 for many Eagle Required merit badges.
He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology (BSIT) and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA). He specializes in project management and has been in a leadership role for the majority of his career.
Michael has been a baseball coach in Hilliard since 2018. He enjoys cycling and many other outdoor sports and activities.